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Entercard lacked knowledge about its various customers and customer groups. My task was to develop an overarching customer journey mapping. Based on this, Entercard requested personas for seven of their brand products, MoreGolf, Coop, LO Mervärde, and Re:member for Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish customers. I had access to survey data, customer data from credit risk, customer feedback from customer service, and reviews on app stores. I also conducted desktop research on data from SCB, trade unions, etc. Based on this, I created eleven personas for the different products. I then compiled a summary of all the data and a compilation of the key insights. This resulted in several areas for improvement in their mobile apps and a better understanding of their customers.


UX- Researcher

Service Design, UX Research, Data Analytics, Google Analytics, Figma, FigJam, Excel, Salesforce, Customer Journey, Personas


Dec 2022 - Jun 2023


Knowledge about customers
Entercard lacked knowledge about its various customers and customer segments.

My task
My task was to develop an overarching customer journey mapping.

Based on this, Entercard requested personas for seven of their brand products: MoreGolf, Coop, LO Mervärde, Re:member for Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish the audience often overlapped with individuals outside the target audience for the website and its courses.


Way of working

​Customer Data

I was provided with access to customer data related to credit risk. The relevant data included gender, age, customer income, average payments (full payment, minimum payment, or partial payment), as well as a comparison between different card brands and unions. I examined how many customers belonged to each union and compared it with the total number of union members. Then, I calculated the percentage of customers per union. Additionally, I determined the number of customers with loans, cards, or both.


Feedback from Customer Service

I analyzed customer feedback obtained from customer service. I categorized the calls based on whether they originated from the app or netbank. Subsequently, I reviewed the topics of discussion during these calls.


Feedback from App Stores

I examined reviews on app stores, focusing on the three most recent versions of our app. I analyzed the feedback to identify both positive and negative features.


Customer Survey

I designed and conducted a customer survey in UseBerry for each product. The survey included demographic and income-related questions, as well as inquiries about their use of cards, loans, or both. Customers were also invited to provide any additional feedback.For the customer survey, I formulated relevant questions tailored to seven different products, targeting credit card and personal loan customers in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. These questions underwent review by Entercard before being distributed to all customers. Following the collection of responses, I conducted thorough analysis and synthesized the data for further insights.



Based on the collected data, I developed eleven personas representing diverse customer segments tailored to each of Entercard's products.

Following this, I meticulously compiled all the gathered data and synthesized the findings to extract key insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and needs.

These key insights provided valuable understanding, enabling Entercard to identify areas for improvement in their mobile applications. By addressing these areas, Entercard aimed to enhance user experience, meet customer expectations more effectively, and ultimately strengthen their relationship with their customers.

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